Sunday, August 11, 2013

That time of year again.

Yes, it is that time of year again. Back to school. As a kid, I adored back to school. New clothes, new school supplies new teacher! All of these things were infinitely exciting to me all throughout school, and even in college. It was such an electrifying time. I loved using my new crayons, and wearing my favorite outfits (yes, even in college) and I would stay up late on the eve of school just thinking about all the possibilities.


Now as an adult and a teacher, school presents a slightly more stressful time of year then it did for me as a child. I have so much to do to get my classroom ready and set for the kids, so much preparation, and so much copying. Despite all these stressors that are now back in my life, I am honestly also rather excited. Just like those days when I was a kid, I wonder who will be in my class, if we will get along, and what fun projects the year has in store for me and my students. I bought my new crayons (for the kids, but I can still test them first, right?) and have my first day dress all prepared. It makes me giddy to think about it. This is why I must say that despite all the crummy things that come with my job, I really do enjoy it. So here is to Back to School. I guess I will be staying up late tonight and wondering about all the possibilities that tomorrow could hold!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Reno, NV...a few thoughts

I am always surprised by Reno (whether good or bad). Sure, it's not big city, but it is the Biggest Little City in the World. I have lived here on and off for 8 years. I thought I knew Reno well when I moved back a year ago, but I am finding all these pockets of interesting places scattered throughout the city. I know that I have discovered a few, but it is so wonderful to discover something new.

Yesterday I went on a long walk with a friend of mine. He took me to a park near Reno High School that I had never been to. It was in an area that was tree lined and full of beautiful houses. It was nice outside, really one of those perfect summer evenings. We sat in the park and looked out over the northwest side of the city while the light slowly faded. I thought about how pretty this city really is as long as you don’t stick to the dirty downtown part. There are so many other places, like this one, that are just magical and exciting. As the light faded I kept thinking how I really don’t know the city all that well.


After this adventure, I came up with a plan to try and find more of these stunning pockets of the city. I want to explore closer to home a bit more. I think its good advice to. Find out what makes the area you are living in so magical. Explore closer to home.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Camping adventures

I'm back from camping with my parents up at Tahoe. Ok, it's not real camping; they have a motorhome. My mom insist on having a hair dryer and electricity at all times. Whether or not we are in a tent or a motorhome is less important than the location we are camping in. This time, we are in Lake tahoe, one of the most beautiful places in all the world. The sky was blue, the lake azure, and the trees dark green. I always love coming up here because I love escaping into the woods and feeling the cool air in the middle of summer. It is one of my happy places, Lake Tahoe. I think we should all find a place that is ou happy place.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hello there

Hello there everyone in blog world. the Queen of Wanderlust here. I know that my fashion blog was shut down when I was going through some things, but that may be gettting back up and running (no promises though)! In the meantime, I thought I'd start posting more about my thoughts and feelings and things I have been doing. This blog is far more personal than the other, but sometimes we all just need a place to escape to. So this is my escape, my place to post my thoughts. Questions, comments, please feel free to make them, just remember that I don't need negativity. Trust me I can create my own, so keep your negative comments off my blog, they will be deleted. In addition, all thougths on this blog are my property (unless otherwise noted) and cannot be used without permission. You want to borrow something, ask.

Have a fabulous day blog world.

The Queen of Wanderlust